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Saturday Morning

Becca is resting this morning. They removed the oxygen as they feel she is doing well enough without it. She will start the blood treatment at 11:00, which should take about two hours. We received a glimmer of good news this morning. They did a full body MRI yesterday. The spots on her brain are not radiating like they used to!  The doctor was acting like a kid in a candy store. They are hopeful that the blood treatment will help after today.


Becca is sleeping well tonight. They finally figured out her pain medication. They put in the blood tube to start the 5 day therapy. It’s a process like dialysis to try and strip out part of the blood so that it doesn’t attack the body. As far as we know, she will stay in the ICU until this process is complete. They are working on her lungs to keep them inflated and working so that she doesn’t get pneumonia. They are confident they can accomplish this much easier in ICU and help her sleep. ICU is restricted to hours and up to two people at a time… this is hard. But I know it’s for the best. We ‘should’ get all the test results back by Tuesday of next week. They sent more samples to the Mayo Clinic.

Thank you again for your prayers, she’s fighting this with everything she’s got!

Thursday – Post Op

Becca is out of surgery. The great news is it was not a tumor in her spinal cord. If it had been, it would have meant that the tumor in her tail bone was spreading and they would have only given her six months to live.

The not so good news is that it was a lesion and it’s a degenerative type of disease. We don’t have a lot of answers right now which is very hard, but hopefully soon we will know exactly what it going on. She is in ICU and on a ventilator tonight to help her breath. Becca will need to get a LOT of rest. They aren’t saying it is MS, but they believe it’s something in that category. They are starting some other therapy’s with the blood by taking out the antibodies that are basically attacking her nervous system. They aren’t sure if it’s connected in some small way to the tumor in her tail bone or the spots on her brain. They might still do a biopsy of the brain sometime in the future.

I’m holding on and it’s a tough night for me. Please keep praying, He can help.