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Day 63

Becca is doing better today as her emotions have been all over the map. However, she is ‘re-energized’ now with her hair being gone. It’s like she has moved to a new level and is bound and determined to be self reliant. She is working hard in therapy and walking as much as she can. Becca is so moved by the comments and the love that has been shared. She wants me to let you all know that she loves you all SO much and is really leaning on you all during this time. We know that the Lord is blessing us at this time and we pray that the Lord will bless each of you as well.

If you would like to continue to pray for something specific, please pray that the tumor is disinegrated by the chemo. We know that it can happen, we have seen miracles already!

Day 61

Well, it’s been an emotional, but better day. As you can tell, today is the day we shaved her head. Her hair was coming out way too much and it was getting everywhere. Becca wanted to just ‘get it over’ so I did the honors. She actually has a really cute head 🙂 Michael & his cousin had a good time watching. They kept saying that she looks like a boy and like daddy… truth is she still has more hair than me! She is in good spirits and is trying to continue to work hard.

So now I’m presenting the new Rebecca Gibbons! Thank you all so much for your continued strength, love, support and words of encouragement. The Lord will lead us through this.

Day 60

Well, the effects of the chemo are starting to take shape. Her hair is starting to come out. She’s not too worried, it’s just odd that’s all. It’s an erie feeling combing her hair and having about 20 times the normal hair in the brush. Becca is doing well though. Today was rough again, but there was some moments of energy and vigor. It’s hard to not want to just snatch her up and go for a night on the town. Problem is she can’t… she will get sick. So we just try and make the best of my in-laws home (it’s a nice one).

Thanks again for all the prayers, we made it though 60 days and we are still going strong.

Day 59

Tough day. Becca was tired and ached for most of it. She tried to work through the therapy, but it was a bit much. I suppose you would call this another down day. But hey, we’ve had a lot of good ones, right? She isn’t out yet, tomorrow is another day and I know she will have more energy in the morning. Becca wants this to badly and she has a warrior spirit!

Day 58

We met with the surgeon today, man can they make things sound bad 🙂 But I like the fact that he knows what he is talking about and that he has cured this before. He is confident that he can with Becca. I also like that he is honest with us. The fact is the time lines are fluid. He is impressed that from what he can see with his eye, the tumor has shrunk some. This is VERY positive because this means it’s reacting to the chemo. The goal is to shrink it as much as possible so the surgery is smaller. Apparently this tumor has grown throughout her sacrum, so it’s not only in the back, but in the front as well. So, this means they may have to go into her in both sides. He wants to do as much chemo as he can to shrink it. So even if the norm is 11 weeks of chemo and then surgery, he might ask for a few more weeks just to shrink it more. It’s frustrating to say the least, but I understand the positive in this.

So where does that leave us, prayer. We need to keep praying that this tumor shrinks and melts away with the chemo… it can happen. Becca is in good spirits and is working extra hard to get better as soon as she can to undergo the surgery. She is doing more for herself and even sat at the kitchen table to eat lunch with us! Keep the faith, the Lord is with us. Thank you all SO much 🙂