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Meeting Clay Walker

Last night, Monday March 3 2014, I was given the opportunity to meet Clay Walker. I had no idea he has MS. The same RRMS that I have!! I wasn’t sure how it was all going to plan out, how many people were going to be there, or if I will handle it. I’m still trying to take in the diagnosis of MS. I’m still in shock. I’m still telling myself that I can have my Dr. Pepper, if I only have one a day.  Read more

This is not fun at all.

Here is a picture of what my thigh injection looks like 24 hours after. This one was even without the autoject. They keep saying this is normal and can last up to six weeks. I’ve done it for almost a week. Wow… Five more possibly. Hmm… I’ll try!! I’ve put cortisone cream on and now my doctor has me putting preparation H on. It doesn’t seem to do anything. It’s still really really itchy. I’m taking an oatmeal bath. It didn’t do any good either. I’ve had another blessing and I know I’ll be comforted. I know I’m stubborn enough to get through this. I may not be in the Read more