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Opening day of baseball!!!!

Today was the opening day of baseball!! I won’t lie, I was very nervous since I knew I had to entertain Cameron and Adam while we went at 7:30am for pictures then to the fields for the ceremonies to begin. It took a lot of bribery to get
them to listen to me and stay with me. At first I said I would take them to McDonalds AND go inside, but as soon as they saw the Chick Fil a cow, they wanted to go there instead. I was good with that!!!


Onto the air flight landing….that was super awesome. I love watching helicopters land. Cameron and Adam loved it!! Poor Michael had to practice for his game so he couldn’t go see it. It did bring back feelings when the nurse pulled out the bed and showed how they squeeze you in! I remember when I was a quad and flew on the tiny jet to Utah. I was so nervous. I’m glad that was over with. I’m grateful for that funny flight nurse that helped me feel safe and cut a tube to make a straw so I could drink a coke:) Ahh memories.


Then onto Michaels game!!! They played the Angels. A really good team. Our Marlins won!!! 11-10!! It was such a fun game!! This coach is just amazing!! Michael helped score a run for his team!! They had Michael pitch for a little bit too!! He was super happy:)


Then it was off to Chick Fil a to reward the kids for sitting and watching the game!! Really they were so good for me. I really had fun today. Then off to home to see how Ricky’s camp out went. He had fun. I think we miss daddy though…at least I do!! I’m glad he’s coming home tomorrow:)

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