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Day 76

Well, I gently tucked Becca into the Huntsman Center for this weekend’s chemo trip. It is the same thing as last week, Methotrexate. She will probably be there until Monday morning, which is hard on all of us. But we know it’s where she needs to be. They take such good care of her, we know that she will be alright. We still have someone with her 24/7, but there are many who want to stay with her. Becca is so positive and wants to get better soon.

Michael look out the window in her new room. Becca actually has a better view this time 🙂


Sherry King

Becca has become our role model. When we are feeling yucky and blue, & just want to grump. I look at these beautiful pictures of Becca’s sweet little grin, and I thank the Lord for her. And then remember to not be drama queen over nothing. She is such an inspiration, & Randy you too are taking on the role of the really loving hubby that is doing it the way a hubby should. My hat is off to both of you and I adore you as well. Becca is getting better and we are all looking forward to the day they tell her she is cured and can go home to be a fulltime Mom again. I keep you in my prayers, as it is a powerful thing. We will be watching for you guys to come on home.
Love to all,

Brenda Coon

Hey Becca!! I had the opportunity to attend the temple on Thursday with the youth in our ward. I took a moment to put your name on the prayer roll and prayed to Heavenly Father to keep watching over you and to bless you. I know he heard my prayer and I am thankful for being able to put your name on the prayer roll. I wish nothing more than for your tumor to shrink and for you to come back to Texas soon! I’m proud of you and not a day passes that I don’t think about you and pray for you to continue to be strong. You have walked miles already! Your strength & determination is incredible!!!! I love you and miss you!

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