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Day 69

Becca is resting tonight back up at the Huntsman cancer center tonight. She started the chemo today, which by treatment plan is one of the quick ones. They said about 36 hours, but as we have found out, that is by hospital time. So, she may not be able to leave until Monday. But either way it will be in the best interests of her and her health, so we understand. I will document the name of the chemo for those that are keeping track. Becca is in great spirits tonight and is taking this like a champ.

The staff at the hospital just loved to see her again, everyone just commented on how well she looked versus the previous. It had only been two weeks and she is moving and getting around SO much better. We are just so proud of her and can’t wait for her to come back home. I think I’m going to take the boys up there tomorrow for a little visit!

We love you all, keep up the faith.

Day 68

Today and yesterday have been ‘resting’ days for Becca. She works really hard one day and ‘pays’ for it the next. It’s really hard on her as she wants to do so much but her poor little body won’t keep up. She is trying to get her strength up and she just wants to be able to pick up Cameron (who wouldn’t?).

She will start chemo again tomorrow afternoon and we are hoping it will go just like the first. It is a short one, only about 36 hours. All of her chemo will be done in patient, so she gets a ‘break’ from home life. Becca will have this for the next year, but perhaps we can do some of it in Texas.

Keep up the notes, cards, thoughts, calls, and whatever else you can… it really helps her. You all will never know the timing of some of your calls and little goodies. It brings her from a total downer to a sun shiner in moments! We love you all, keep up the prayers 🙂

Day 66

We went and saw her neuro oncologist today. Becca has had a lot of numbing throughout her body, which has been the case since day one. He was kind, but told her that she will experience this until the chemo can cure the tumor. She wasn’t really happy as Becca really wanted a pill to fix it, can you blame her? She is doing well regardless and is ok by his remarks… she is a fighter 🙂

Becca walked a marathon today. She walked the whole building at the Huntsman to go to her appointment. Then her twin sister kidnapped her and took her to Sam’s club to get some things. She walked that whole place as well. Needless to say, she is a bit tired tonight… I would be too.

Day 65

We met with another surgeon today. It went well considering it was just the initial consultation. Becca will have a team of doctors working on her, so they just want to make sure we know all of them. We have hope that if the tumor responds well to the chemo, we may actually go back to Texas for a while to receive chemo treatments. We would then fly Becca back to Utah for the surgery. They want the tumor as small as they can, so we should know more about the 1st of November. We found out through the surgeon today that our main surgeon just finished with a guy who had a sarcoma in his upper shoulder area. All the doctors were talking about amputation and removal of his arm. But the chemo worked and the tumor shrank to the size of a pea! They did a very simple removal of it.. We know this can happen. We just pray that the tumor will continue to respond to the chemo… keep praying! All in all she had a good day, just some bouts with pain. They raised her pain patches, so hopefully she will be in better spirits and not have to use the oral pain meds as much.

Thank you all again for everything 🙂

Day 64

Today was a good day for Becca. She was able to get some rest and wasn’t in too much pain today. I was able to go to church with the boys and she was able to visit with her mom. This week is going to be a doosey as we have several doctor visits and she starts the next wave of chemo. We are hoping to schedule it on the weekend, but we will see what they do. It’s hard being here in Utah this long, we are truly missing our friends in Texas. It makes you realize everything you really have around you and drives you to do better the next time around.

Thank you all for your prayers, love and hope. Laughter is what is getting us through this. Heaven knows we have a lot in our family 🙂 Please keep praying, we love you all.

Ricky helping Becca tie her shoes… she actually got one done herself.

A quick walk out the front door and down the sidewalk. This is about the first time she has been strong enough to do this.