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Cameron’s bowling field trip.

On December 7th Cameron and all the special needs kids at his school went on a field trip to the bowling alley. It was so much fun. Ricky and Michael got to come help out too. They each had a little buddy that they would help get the balls down the lane. It was so neat to watch them be so patient with them. I’m glad they were invited to go.

Cameron’s buddy was his teacher’s daughter, Jade. She is in love with him. I think it goes the other way too:-) She got special permission to ride the bus with him. He thought it was the coolest thing to ride on the BIG bus!!

Here’s Cameron with his teacher, Mrs. Hudson.

Ricky’s little buddy, David.

Jade helping Cameron out.

Oh he got SO excited!!

Close to the final score! I was shocked this picture actually turned out.

Ricky made Cameron’s bed!!

To help Ricky earn his Wood Working Merit Badge, he made Cameron a new bed. Cameron couldn’t be more excited. It was cute. Ricky had a blast using daddy’s tools. It was an all day affair. The stain was a little stinky for a bit, but all in all I think it turned out to be an awesome bed. Good job Ricky! Now I need to think of something else he can build for fun??!!