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Adams Birth

Trying to get through the pain.

Randy being a BIG goof to entertain us while I labor.

Lisa being so comforting to me.

This picture reminds me of one when I was in the hospital with cancer. I think I would take this scene over that one any day.

Danielle helping cool me off. Man you get really hot towards the end.

Baby is coming…hurry get dressed! Randy has always made his pose like this.

Lisa and my mom laughing. They so look like sisters:-)

The doctor and nurse getting ready!

This picture was taken right as he was born. I just love it.

This is when I said “Holy BIG baby”

I just couldn’t believe how long his toes are.

Adam Malachi Gibbons born September 16 2010
weighing 9lbs. and was 20 1/2 inches long.

I just LOVE his ears!

Grammy had to make sure he looks perfect!

Holding daddy’s finger. I love it!

We were SO excited to get pregnant this year. I couldn’t believe it was possible, but it was. The year went on and the bigger I got. I was so happy to find out that we were having another boy. The only hard thing was finding a name for this one. I wanted it to be special. He was our miracle baby for sure. So the middle name of Malachi was easy. The first name took weeks. I liked Jesse and Randy liked all these weird names. Then one day he said Adam. Hmmm we don’t know of too many Adam’s. So Adam Malachi Gibbons it was. He totally is an Adam too.

Towards the end of the pregnancy I got huge. Bigger than any of the others. I also had lots of pre labor going on. It was bugging me. Adam just didn’t want to come, but I did! I ended up getting induced at 39 weeks. September 16th was the day. It was neat to walk in the hospital smiling and getting ready to have a baby. This was my first induction so I wasn’t sure what to expect. All I knew was that after the water was broken I wanted to epidural so I wouldn’t feel too much pain. AT 8am the water was broken and around 9am I was talking to the anesthesiologist about my epidural. Unfortunately the head anesthesiologist wanted to talk. She said that I was not a good candidate for an epidural due to where my cancer was. Dumb cancer. Apparently because we aren’t sure where the nerve endings ended up, the possibility of permanent paralysis was high. She said 85% chance. If I had to have a c-section she would knock me out too. It was not a good thing. So now that I had this information….well of course I didn’t want to get one. But what now. I came in preparing for an easy birth and now scared of what is to come. I didn’t take any breathing classes or anything. I wish I had. Luckily my friend Danielle was coming to photograph the birth. She has experience with the natural child birth. She was so amazing in helping me stay focused. She gave me a quick run down on the breathing and that was it! I had control. It was fun to have my mom and my 2 friends Danielle and Lisa there to help me stay focused. Unfortunately the birth was a little longer than I wanted. The hard labor was about 3 hours long. It was 3 hours too long for me. I was so tired at the end. I had tried all different positions to help take some of the weight and pressure off. Finally it was time for him to come. He stuck to my record of 1 contraction and 3 pushes and he was born!! That was the same for all my kiddos now. When the doctor held him up…”Holy BIG baby” was all I could say. He was huge!! All my other babies were 7lbs.

They had me hold him to help warm him. I loved it. I still couldn’t believe I had another baby. Especially after all I had been through. I kept checking him out to make sure he was all ok. I was on some bad medicine at the beginning and wasn’t sure if it hurt him or not. It didn’t. He was perfect. Just perfect. At first he looked like he might be have brown hair. It was that way for the first week and then it started to get lighter. He has blue eyes too. He is yummy.

Adam came home to a house full of people that LOVE him. Of course the sleepless nights were hard to adjust too. It had been almost 6 years since we had a newborn in our home. Sometimes I wonder what were we thinking??!! But I know Adam is suppose to be here. I always wanted my 4 kids and now I have them. It feels so good. Adam is a really good baby. I just love it when he smiles. He loves his brothers too.

All in all…I survived the birth. Thank you mom for taking me to all those fun restaurants before to help satisfy my cravings at the end. Oh man did we eat good. She even gave me a massage at the mall to help. Oh if I can only get my hands on that picture! We had fun trying to get me to contract. Nothing worked. It just made us tired and sore. Adam was just too comfy inside. It was nice to spend the time with my mom. The kids loved it too.

Santa Claus

Every year a neighbor in our neighborhood dress’s up as Santa and has a party outside their home. We eat hot cocoa and cookies. I love it because we get to chat and meet other neighbors. Santa also raffles off an handmade toy that is made out of wood. This year it was an amazing barn. He is so good with wood craft. The kids love to look at it and hope that their ticket will be drawn. Every year it isn’t. I feel bad. Our poor kids have been born into the loser family. We just don’t have the luck to win. But still we get excited every year.

Cameron was SO excited to hang with Santa. He kept going and holding his hand and walking around with him. When I would ask where Cameron was… I would find him with Santa. Santa loved it. One time I looked and he was walking with Santa and looking up at him with the cutest eyes. He was in heaven. I wonder what he dreamed about last night? It really was special to see. I am so glad we have great neighbors. Maybe next year we can win?? We can only hope.

Here are a few pics we took. It’s with my phone camera so the quality is not there. I forgot my regular camera. You can still see the fun though:-)

A little about my Michael…

My sweet little Michael turned 8 in November. What a sweet boy he is. He is always being goofy to make us laugh. He has a tender heart too. He was SO excited to get baptized this month. He had his birthday on a Wednesday and that following Saturday was our wards baptism day. What an awesome day it was for all of us. I was able to lead the music at his baptism just like I did for Ricky. It was neat. Michael just couldn’t wait. For his birthday his Grammy and Grandpa gave him his scriptures. He carries them around with him ALL the time. He is so proud to have them. At his baptism he was a little quiet. I think he was taking it all in. At least I hope so. Now he keeps asking about the Holy Ghost. He is such a smart little man. I just love him. Daddy baptized him and confirmed him. I am so happy to have the priesthood in my home.

Daddy and Michael before the baptism!

Mason, Michael, and Kolbe. Some of Michael’s best friends:-)

This is Michael sleeping in Hudsons bed in our room. Apparently he had a nightmare and went and snuggled Hudson. I’m sure it’s because he knew we would have sent him back to his room. He is TOO cute!!

Here he is with loosing his first tooth!!! He was so scared that it would hurt. But survived!

Here is more of Michael’s friends…Preston, Michael, and Rebecca. They all have lost their first tooth too!! So swesome!!!!

A lot has happened!!

So I have noticed that I haven’t posted much since the beginning of summer!! I have been a little busy.

We had our 4th beautiful son on September 16th 2010. He came weighing in at 9lbs. and 20 1/2 inches long. He was a BIG boy! Especially since all of our others were all 7 lbs.! We have enjoyed having Adam. What a blessing he is in our family. I will post more about that later. Right now I have few minutes to post just a couple of photos I just took off my camera.

We caught his smile!!!! Oh how I love it!

Oh man do I love my little Cameron too!!