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Just some fun pics to share!!!

Ricky and Michael at the Great America Clean up day!! The horses all lined up when we were cleaning by the fence!! It was the coolest ever!!

I know this picture is totally dark, but you get the picture…we pray and then sing “Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam like this every night. It is SO cute!! I had to snap a quick pick.

Randy got a new grill for President’s Day!! And we thought we would try out the rotisserie!! It was YUMMY!

Cameron and Michael on Crazy Hair Day at school! Cameron insisted on a Mohawk!

Adam and his fire truck!!

Adam sipping brothers drink before he caught him!! He is so sneaky now. He pulls up a stool everywhere now to get into and onto everything!!

Adam for some reason wanted to drink the honey mustard at Chicken Express. YUCK!! He liked it though!!

At our home school co-op I help with the archery class for two hours. The young one and the older one. Ricky is in the older one and this day we were trying everything to stay warm. My friend Delaine put her hat and towel around me to help out….then Ricky photo bombed it!! I just love this kid!

Adam looking SO stinkn’ big!!

Fall Sport Season has started!!!

This fall we have all 3 boys in a sport!! Ricky still loves baseball…Michael is loving soccer…and Cameron started T-ball. Oh the fun we are going to have. This Saturday was the first day for all 3. It started out with Michael and a soccer game. He was right in it too. This kid really knows how to play. I just love watching him get in there and get that ball.

Then off to Ricky’s baseball game. Ricky is going to be catcher until they find more on his team that can do the position. Man is Ricky excited to be the catcher!! He did AMAZING too!! We were all proud of him.

Then home for a little lunch and off to Cameron’s T-ball game!! This one made me a little nervous…But he did GREAT!! He was SOOOO excited. Especially when he got his uniform on. This kid was proud to be an Angel too. He had a great game too. Way cute.

I think this fall season will be busy, but LOTS of fun. Adam was amazing too. He handled all the craziness with ease. I was shocked how good he was. Maybe it’s because daddy held him most the time:-)

Some funny videos you’ve got to see!!

Sooooo we were at our friends cabin last weekend to help him move some things out and had some fun too. You have to watch Part 1 and Part 2 of the videos to enjoy Part 3. I’m so glad I thought to grab the camera. It was a moment I don’t want to forget about and will laugh about for quit a while. Enjoy!!!

Cameron’s bowling field trip.

On December 7th Cameron and all the special needs kids at his school went on a field trip to the bowling alley. It was so much fun. Ricky and Michael got to come help out too. They each had a little buddy that they would help get the balls down the lane. It was so neat to watch them be so patient with them. I’m glad they were invited to go.

Cameron’s buddy was his teacher’s daughter, Jade. She is in love with him. I think it goes the other way too:-) She got special permission to ride the bus with him. He thought it was the coolest thing to ride on the BIG bus!!

Here’s Cameron with his teacher, Mrs. Hudson.

Ricky’s little buddy, David.

Jade helping Cameron out.

Oh he got SO excited!!

Close to the final score! I was shocked this picture actually turned out.