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Day 47

Becca started chemo last night finally… I almost hate to say that. She is doing AWESOME and is just a bit tired, which is a side affect. She worked with PT today and was able to do more than at LDS rehab. The doctors are impressed she is still working out while doing the chemo. She should be on the drip until Monday night. A few have asked when the effects will kick in, she should loose her hair in about 10-14 days. Becca is just fine with that, she said “who cares? it’s only hair and it will grow back.”

By the way, these are the names of the drugs for you google scholors: Ifosfamide, Doxorubicin, & Mesna.

Keep praying for strength and that the tumor will completely dissolve with the chemo… she really doesn’t want surgery again unless she has to. Thanks again for all your love.

Day 46

For all of you keeping score on information from the doctors, we are still waiting for her chemo to start. They were supposed to have started it yesterday afternoon. Apparently the pharmacy received the orders yesterday, but questioned the dosage. They were unable to contact the doctor to verify the dosage by the time they closed. So, they say that they will be starting it now at 4:00 PM (they originally told us 8 AM today on the new schedule). I think it is important they get it right, it’s just a little comical now.

Becca has continued with her therapy, including working by herself in bed… a little bit of an over achiever 🙂 So I thought I would share a picture. Keep praying, she will need it more now than ever.

Becca getting her toes done by her mom… a little R & R.

PT working her out.

Relaxing, taking in the breathtaking view of the Salt Lake valley.

Day 45

Today has been a good day for us thus far. Becca has had a team of doctors coming in and out all day. They put in the PICC line finally, so they were able to draw blood. We are still waiting for the heart scan (to make sure everything is ok) and then the chemo team should come in. Becca is in good spirits now that the PICC line is installed as she was a little nervous about it. She did awesome. So, we wait until they start.

Here is a picture of Becca today eating her lunch all by herself 🙂

Day 44 PM

Ok, now that I have my laptop back from the move, I can add a bit to what Becca was able to do today. She worked with PT and actually walked 300 steps with the walker today! She was just on fire and wanted to do more. She was able to transfer from the wheelchair to the car to her bed now without a problem. Becca will get a pic line put in tomorrow and they will start her chemo. Keep praying 🙂

Day 44

We met with the Oncologist at the Huntman center and they admited her.  We didn’t even leave to go back and gather our things (my father-in-law Rick will).  Becca’s doctor wants to start chemo tomorrow. It will be a 5 day in-patient start. She will then be off for three weeks. After the 5 days, we will determine if she needs to continue therapy or not.

 I will give more details later on how the treatment will go. But for now, we are back at the Huntsman, one room over from the last.